
let's get
money savvy!



We help ladies (just like you) take control of their financial future (without the boring bits)!  

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How we can help with your money


Corporate Workshop

We have run workshops with Google, Pinterst, Audible, Microsoft and more! Enquire now! 

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Money Makeover Course

Feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start getting on top of your money? Check out our NEW online course!

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FREE stuff

Here we have put together some freakin cool resources we love to help you up your money game! #YourWelcome

I Love Free Stuff

Hi, I'm Molly


Pop the prosecco you found us!

Ladies Finance Club empowers women to take control of their financial futures and to get money savvy, but in a way that doesn’t make you want to hit snoozeville.

We get it… finance can be boring, so we run engaging events, online workshops and courses with the best experts in the industry to breakdown and demystify financial jargon on a range of topics from investing, building an emergency fund, insurance, pensions, debt, budgeting and more.

Still today, there is still a massive financial gap when it comes to women and their salary, pension and investments. This has a massive impact on a women’s future. We are passionate about educating women so they can control life on their own terms.


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Want To Be More Financially Fearless?



Aaaah money stuff… it can seem kinda overwhelming but if you get on top of it (and we know you can)… it will pay off big time.

Ladies Finance Club UK was created to empower you to take control of your financial future in a way that doesn’t make you want to hit the snooze button.

We run a membership, events, online and live workshops and courses with the industry experts to breakdown and demystify a range of topics from investing, pensions, debt, budgeting and more.

Control life on your own terms, feel confident about your money and plant the seeds for a more secure financial future (and yes, you can still buy shoes).

Join the Tribe

Ladies Who Love Us


Leanna, London

"I went along to the event and had a blast! I do have month and I was feeling pointless before the event and I feel quite inspired now."

Sheza, London

"Thank you so much for hosting these events. I've been to a few now and learned so much. It's a shame that we're not taught how to manage our money in school. I'm please to tell you that I’ve been taking control of my finances. It wasn’t easy but I’m determined to be financially fearless. I’ve been investing for the past few months, which I never thought I would do. Knowledge is power! God bless you!"

Theresa, London

"When you thought you had a grip on your finances then find out your money has actually been losing value… Such an insightful evening from Ladies Finance Club UK explaining finance in a real, understandable way"

Does this sound
like you?



Career-wise, things are pretty good… you’ve got some fab stuff in your wardrobe and you’re all about brunch and international travel. But somewhere inside that little voice is starting to speak up about taking more control of your cash.

If you are: 

Wondering where all your money goes every month
Feeling like you never have anything to show for all your hard work
Struggling to pay off your credit card debt
Hoping to buy a house… one day
Curious about investing in property or shares
Picturing a laid-back retirement on a beach somewhere
Just plain keen to save some dosh




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All the tools you need to take control of your financial future.



  • Monthly Masterclass with experts (looking at pensions, investing, mindset etc)
  • Monthly Tribe Accountability sessions to help you stick to your goals and stay on track
  • Financial Foundations Course to get you up to speed fast
  • 30mins Insurance Review with our insurance expert to see if you havethe right amount in place
  • Members-only website tools and templates



Pink inclusions plus:

  • Business 101 sessions practical sessions on how to take an idea and turn it into something more!
  • Monthly book summaries get the gold’ from all those finance books you know you should be reading – but just don’t have the time too!

Ladies Finance Club UK The Podcast

Tune in and join Molly + Lisa as we #talknerdy and break down the world of finance!


Ladies Finance Club UK is here to brighten up the pale stale world of finance and help you to get money savvy!

From investing, tax, debt, pensions, money mindset, property we will answer the questions you feel you should know the answers to or are just too scared to ask! Let's get financially fearless together.


Tune In Now
These are more than just resources

Snag our money secrets, for free!


Budget like
a boss with this template

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Money Makeover Mini Course

Check it out!

We are not regulated by the FCA. This website should not be perceived as financial advice.

You should do your own research before making any investment decision to ensure it is suitable for your individual circumstances.

You must use the content on the site at your own risk as we can only provide general information. Ladies Finance Club UK will not be held liable if things go wrong. Although we sometimes link to other websites, we are not responsible for their content.

Listen To The Podcast