Come along to our money mindset masterclass – why because your success with money will ultimately come down to your mindset and beliefs around money!

📅 Monday 11 December at 7:30pm (AEDT)


Have you ever thought…

"I earn good money, so why don’t I have any?!"
"I’m really bad with money."
"Money makes NO sense to me."
"I can’t stop SPENDING!
“Thinking about money makes me stressed and anxious”
“I’m obsessed with saving and feel guilty when I spend”
“My money habits suck, it’s embarrassing.”
"I have money, then I don’t, then I do! Then I don’t… Why does this keep happening, it’s like a roller-coaster but one I want to get off now"
"I know I need to DO something about my money but something is blocking me”
"Money feels out of my control."

If you answer “Yes” to any of the above? Then come along to our money mindset masterclass – why because your success with money will ultimately come down to your mindset and beliefs around money!

Yes, how we think and feel about money will determine how much we make and keep in our life! So, if you think your relationship with money needs a bit of work – a little more TLC that’s why we have then join us for this session with money mindset expert Karen Eley to unpack this topic and get to the real source of what’s holding you back!

Karen has helped hundreds of women who started EXACTLY where you are right now.

You’ll walk away knowing:

  • the psychology of money and how it influences your financial behaviour
  • deep insights into your own money beliefs
  • clear steps to upgrade your money mindset, overcome limiting beliefs and improve your relationship with money

And we will show you how you can get extra support! 🤩

Meet Karen!

Certified Money Coach & Financial Educator

BBus Acc, Dip FP - Founder of Women Talking Finance

Meet the lovely Karen Eley - one of Australia's leading Money coaches and LFC ambassadors! Karen has over two decades of experience in finance, including a dynamic 16-year role as a financial adviser! She is here to guide you through the transformative process of mastering your money mindset.

Karen's credentials speak volumes: a Certified Money Coach (CMC)® with a Bachelor of Accounting, Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning, and CFP. Beyond her financial acumen, she holds director positions on boards for two profit-for-purpose organizations.

Karen understands success in finances isn't just about the numbers; it's about the beliefs, attitudes, and emotions you hold toward money. She's witnessed firsthand the astounding impact of shifting these perspectives. 

Karen is a regular financial commentator appearing regularly on 5AA radio, podcasts and news media.

With a past as a self-professed shoe addict (yes, she's familiar with the allure of wants vs. saving), her passion lies in demonstrating to women the realm of possibilities with money, addressing both the practical and psychological dimensions.

We love hosting free events for you, but we need your support to keep them going. If you enjoy our events, please consider 'Buying us a Coffee.' ☕

Ladies Finance Club empowers women to take control of their financial futures (without the boring bits)!

More than 30,000 women from Australia and the UK have participated in our masterclasses, programs or webinars! 

LFC gave me the skills to control my budget

"I thought I was too young to be able to think investment ... What a mistake! LFC gave me the skills to control my budget and in 3 months, I have already invested $2000! THANKS!"

Anna, 23, Sydney

Thank you so much for all the information!

"I have received over the last few months - I feel like I am finally on top of my finances again which is an amazing feeling. I have managed to save towards my emergency fund & your investment course gave me the confidence to take the plunge & invest in the stock market after years of watching from the side lines. So thank you again."

Jo, 37, Canberra

I'm actually excited about my finances now!

"I never thought I would get out of debt, but with the help of LFC, I did! The Accountability Sessions are my favourite! I also just bought my first ETFs, I'm actually excited about my finances now - who would have thought!"

Jess, 44, Brisbane