Money Makeover
Nothing feels better than a makeover... a money makeover! With the cost of living going up, we want to help you take back control of your money with our simple 10 part video series.
Take our mini courseTired of Feeling Out Of Control With Your Spending?
We will show you how to set measurable financial goals, set yourself up for success, teach you how to get out of debt, sort your retirement planning, and help you take control of your financial future (so you’ll be in a place financially where adding guacamole isn’t a big decision)! It's way easier than you could have imagined and we will be there holding your hand the whole way!

We have put
together simple
steps to put YOU
back in the driver's seat!
Does this sound familiar?
❌ I'm sick of feeling left behind
❌ I thought I would have more to show by now
❌ I don't know where my money goes each month
Many of us were never taught those really important life skills of how to manage money! That's why we have put together this simple course to help you take those baby steps to getting your money sorted and setting yourself up with some strong foundations. Check out what we will be covering in our course:

We talk about some of the common reasons holding us back plus get to know your hosts!

Where are you at? This is about understanding your current financial picture. We share our top templates for easily working this out

It's hard to succeed if you don't know what you want! Let's set some financial goals. We have templates to help you break them down.

Want to build a strong financial future? This module covers the first and most important step you should take that so many people miss!

We show you a way of setting up your bank accounts so saving money and paying yourself first become automatic.

This video is all about getting out of debt and the top two methods that work!

Want to learn how to legally pay less tax? We thought so! Lisa reveals all.

No idea what you're doing with your pension? Get pension savvy in this video!

Thought about investing but not sure where to start, we discuss why cash isn't always king!

Stay protected, we tell you about the absolute MUSTs when it comes to protecting yourself and your loved ones.
Oh hey there,
We are Molly and Lisa and we are super passionate about helping women to get money savvy! Why? Women live longer, they earn less (pay gap), and they are more likely to have interrupted careers (kids / looking after elderly parents) meaning they retire on less and we don't think that's fair!
Molly has worked for financial companies her whole career before launching Ladies Finance Club in 2018. She is also a money coach and business mentor and her book 'Girls Just Wanna Have Funds' is coming out in early Feb 2023.
By day Lisa works at a wealth management firm in the City of London. She is a Chartered Financial Adviser and also a Fellow of the Personal Finance Society (PFS). She has written Money Lessons, a Pengiun best seller!

Let's face it, Finance stuff can boring. There, we said it! And when there's brunches to be had, holidays to be planned and Netflix to be binged getting on top of your money game might not be high on the to do list.
But we think finance can be fun, empowering and simple when done right - there's a lot of jargon and bull out there (espcially when it comes to investing) so we are here to help you become a Zillionaire... okay maybe just establish a strong financial future and solid foundations!
Our mini-makeover helps give you simple steps so you can take control of your finances, set yourself up for success, and have complete control over your life! #YesPlease
Take the courseTHE COURSE DOWN LOW
We want to see you succeed so you'll get:
👉 9 x videos breaking down the main areas of personal finance we know are needed to create a strong financial foundation
t👉 Access to our favourite templates and tools throughout the course
👉 You'll have 3 months to complete the course
👉 Easy actions at the end of each video to help you get some quick wins

Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you: