Is it time to reset?


In this course, you will go from feeling frustrated, guilty and overwhelmed about your relationship with money to feeling confident and in control, knowing can achieve the money goals you desire with ease.


Ever thought…

👉 "I hate talking about money."

👉 "Money makes NO sense to me."

👉 "I earn good money, so why don’t I have any?!"

👉 "I can’t stop SPENDING! And I hate how guilty I feel about it”
👉 “I’m so sick of feeling ashamed of my money habits.”

👉 "I have money, then I don’t, then I do! Then I don’t… Why does this keep happening?!"

👉 "I know I need to DO something about it but I don’t know where to begin?!”

👉 "Money feels out of my control."


“Yes” to any of the above? Then this course is for you!




Money feels gross (a bit ick), like “let’s not talk about it ever, please.” It’s stressful, you have no idea how to manage it, you’re sick of having no control over it, and you know you need to do something about it but WHAT? You have no idea where to start or what to do so you do… nothing. You just keep repeating the cycle of getting paid and spending it all, and living with the guilt and shame afterwards. Everyone else seems to have it all figured out but… you.

You are not alone.
I have helped hundreds of women who started EXACTLY where you are right now.

What makes one woman successful with money and another give up?

Simple: It’s their money mindset.

After taking this course you'll have:

 💸 Complete awareness of your own unique financial blind spots that have been holding you back

 💸 Clear steps to reprogram your money beliefs

 💸 Rewire and heal your emotional connection with money.

 💸 Become a vibrational match to the amount of money you want to earn, manage and grow.

 💸 Be in a position to truly experience the freedom that money brings

Because, unlike some 'mindset courses' we're not telling you to simply dream what you want, 'manifest it', then go eat a ham sandwich! We give you clear proven steps and strategies to help you transform your money mindset.

Take a moment to imagine your new future with me. 

You’ve paid for your morning coffee without worrying about the cost, and you are MARVELING at yourself because you have gone a whole WEEK without “this will make me feel better” spending. You’re walking with your coffee thinking “who even AM I?!” It feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You know what you’re doing with your money, you have a clear plan of where you’re heading, and you finally feel in control. Money is now a friend, and when people ask about it? No more guilt, no more shame, you’re happy to talk (you even START the conversation about all things money)! 

This is possible for you. 

How the course will get you there.  

The Roadmap to Money Freedom!

Let's do this

With these three steps (that the course guides you through), you will create your new relationship with money.

STEP #01 

Reflect on your Past

First, you have to know where your relationship to money came from. You’ll be guided through how to look back on your history with money to understand where your beliefs have come from (why you think and feel the way you do).

STEP #02 
Make a Decision for your Future

Second, you have to decide on what you want to change. You’ll learn how to make a commitment to yourself to achieve your new relationship goal with money (and how you don’t have to do it alone).


STEP #03

Small Steps to Big Change 

Third, start making the small but significant steps to make the ultimate change. You’ll be given a step-by-step plan on how to get from exactly where you are to where you want to be with your relationship to money (no more questions about “how” to do it, we’ll show you!).

Meet Karen!

Certified Money Coach & Financial Educator
BBus Acc, Dip FP - Founder of Women Talking Finance

Meet the lovely Karen Eley - one of Australia's leading Money coaches and LFC ambassadors! Karen has over two decades of experience in finance, including a dynamic 16-year role as a financial adviser! She is here to guide you through the transformative process of mastering your money mindset.

Karen's credentials speak volumes: a Certified Money Coach (CMC)® with a Bachelor of Accounting, Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning, and CFP. Beyond her financial acumen, she holds director positions on boards for two profit-for-purpose organizations.

Karen understands success in finances isn't just about the numbers; it's about the beliefs, attitudes, and emotions you hold toward money. She's witnessed firsthand the astounding impact of shifting these perspectives. 

Karen is a regular financial commentator appearing regularly on 5AA radio, podcasts and news media.

With a past as a self-professed shoe addict (yes, she's familiar with the allure of wants vs. saving), her passion lies in demonstrating to women the realm of possibilities with money, addressing both the practical and psychological dimensions.

Let's do this!

Meet Karen!

Check out Karen doing her thing and get a taster for such some of the life changing contents you'll learn in this course! 

With This Course

You Will:

🌱 Explore Money Beliefs' Origins: Dig into your money beliefs' roots, uncovering hidden influences shaping your financial mindset and gaining insights into your decisions.

🧠 Decode Brain-Money Connection: Delve into how your brain guides financial attitudes, unraveling neural pathways for a deeper understanding of your financial behavior.

🕰️ Three Selves' Role: Understand your past, present, and future selves' impact on your money relationship, grasping motivations behind financial behaviors.

đźš« Break Common Money Blocks: Identify and conquer barriers hindering progress, crafting strategies to dismantle self-imposed limitations for financial growth.

đź’Ž Uncover Your Money Type: Discover your unique money personality, using self-awareness to align decisions with strengths and challenges.

🔄 Transform Inherited Money Patterns: Examine the unconscious passage of money patterns across generations, learning to identify and shift for a positive financial legacy.

❌ Shift Limiting Beliefs: Acquire steps to transform limiting financial beliefs into empowering affirmations, reshaping your money mindset.

đź’” Heal Money Trauma: Equip yourself with strategies to navigate money-related traumas, fostering a healthier financial relationship.

✨ Transform Money Connection: Redefine your relationship with money, uncovering tactics to align financial aspirations with values for a prosperous journey.

🌟 Explore Money Archetypes: Understand various money archetypes and their influence on our financial behavior.

Want something like that?

I'm IN

Are your beliefs holding you back?

By rewiring your beliefs and attitudes about money, you can tap into a wealth of new opportunities. When you break through limitations, overcome money blocks, and align your thoughts with abundance, you'll find yourself making smarter financial decisions, living in flow and attracting wealth with newfound confidence. It's not just about changing your mindset; it's about changing your financial reality and watching your income grow as a result...


That's what she said:

At the Ladies Finance Club, we're committed to helping you embrace a money mindset that propels you toward the life you've envisioned. It's time to break free from constraints and embrace a future where financial freedom is your reality. Your journey to a more empowered financial future starts here.

Natalie Abbott, Adelaide

Client of Karen's

Working with Karen completely transformed my relationship with money. Examining what I’d learned about money growing up and the impact it had on my current day finances was extremely powerful. Her money coaching process extends far beyond just numbers and spreadsheets, it really gets to the heart of why we do what we do with money. It allowed me to acknowledge all my financial strengths and work through areas that had been challenging me.

If you're ready to break free from limiting beliefs and unlock your full financial potential, I highly recommend working with Karen. She is a knowledgeable, compassionate, and dedicated professional who guided me on a transformative journey towards financial success and personal growth.

The information provided on our website or at this seminar, online course, event, webinar or workshop is general in nature and is not personal financial product advice. Read Full Disclosure Here.